Strategies TA Recordings
Most recorded webinars include American Sign Language interpretation and captions.
Aligning Funding and Initiatives in California: The American Rescue Act Plan
Marlo Nash discusses opportunities for using one-time American Rescue Plan Funding for long-term gains for children, families, and communities and joined us again for a Learning Exchange Workshop to answer specific questions from our prevention planning partners about how to align funding in work with children and families.
Engaging Native American Families
A review of the history of Native American families in the child welfare system and culturally sensitive practices to engage Native American families. Presented by Jaclyn Gray, Tribal Family Partners, Riverside-San Bernardino County Indian Health and Marcelina Shackleford, Prevention Educator, San Bernardino Indian Health, at the Native American Family Resource Center.
Innovation in Child Abuse Prevention: Spotlight on the 90 x 30 Initiative
Jeff Todahl, Executive Director, and Sara Loveless, Associate Director, from the 90 x 30 Initiative, share their innovative approaches to child abuse prevention based on learning from their work in Lane County, Oregon.
Racial Equity in the Child Welfare System
Dr. Jessica Pryce highlights the history, data, historical, and present-day practices of a well-intentioned system that traumatizes the children, families, and communities it is meant to serve. Dr. Pryce discusses the intergenerational trauma of minority families, the four dimensions of racism and how they each are manifested within the child welfare system, and the need for reform. Presented by Dr. Jessica Pryce, Assistance Professor, College of Social Work, Florida State University and Executive Director, The Florida Institute for Child Welfare.
Child Abuse Prevention with a Racial Equity Lens
Dr. Jessica Pryce returns to discuss the need for courageous leadership that leads to systemic change, how to conduct courageous conversations, and insights from research.
CAPC Best Practices
A review of the recommendations in the Best Practices for Child Abuse Prevention Councils, developed in partnership with the CA Office of Child Abuse Prevention. Presented by Lori Clarke, Chief Program Officer, San Diego State University Social Policy Institute.
The New Strategies TA Launch
Strategies Technical Assistance is a new version of the Strategies program, funded by the CA Office of Child Abuse Prevention. Transitioning from the Strategies 2.0 program, which was more focused on building professionalism in the field and developing professional networks, this webinar introduces the new focus of the Strategies TA program: providing innovative support to county-wide child abuse prevention planning teams.
Learning Exchanges
Rural Communities
The Strengths and Challenges of Child Abuse Prevention in Rural Communities. Hear how Humboldt County in Norther California has utilized and learned from different approaches in their effort to prevent child abuse and neglect. Presented by Dawn Arledge of the CA Center for Rural Policy at Humboldt State University and Cindy Sutcliffe, Humboldt County CAPC Chair. This webinar is an introduction to this Learning Exchange topic.
Outcome Evaluation, 3/29/2021. With presenter Todd Sosna, PhD, Chief Program Officer for the Children’s Institute, Inc. (starts at 33:22)
Exploring Tools and Strategies to Build Trust and Engage with Families in Isolated, Rural Communities. 5/25/2021. With Melissa Santos.
Community Engagement
Prioritizing Community Engagement for Community Resilience. Lilia Perez, Resident Engagement Lead at the Magnolia Community Initiative (MCI), discusses ways that MCI engages the community in leadership development in their Resident Leadership Academy. This webinar is an introduction to this Learning Exchange topic.
Child Abuse During Covid and Beyond. The Covid-19 pandemic increased challenges of tracking and reporting child abuse and resulted in huge challenges for families as well as the Family Resource Centers (FRCs) that serve them. Hear about strategies that worked during this time and explore how to continue these beyond the pandemic. Presented by Danielle Wondra, Senior Associate, Children Now and Merritt Beckett, Senior Program Manager, California Family Resource Center Association. This webinar is an introduction to this Learning Exchange topic.
Using Data to Inform Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Planning with a demo of the Kid’s Data database, 4/30/2021. With Jasmine Brosnan, Sr. Evaluation Manager, The Child Abuse Prevention Center.