Defining the ways that you will gauge the impact and progress of the prevention plan, as well as the data you will use to make informed decisions and guide improvements, is the purpose of the evaluation plan. Develop a logic model to outline what it will take to achieve the Prevention Goals and bring the Theory of Change to reality.  The logic model enumerates inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impacts with baseline data and concrete milestones for measuring progress at each level.

Evaluation Plan Resources

Click the links below for some resources to help define your Evaluation Plan

Change and Implementation in Practice

This brief can help child welfare agency leaders, managers, and team partner with evaluators and data analysts to monitor and evaluate the implementation and impact of the prevention plan and associated interventions. Included is a clear description of the components of a logic model, how it supports evaluation, and how it is distinguished from a theory of change.

Inclusion through Evaluation: A Toolkit for Practitioners and Leaders

Organizations that work with vulnerable populations have a responsibility to understand barriers encountered by those groups, create opportunities for their inclusion, and identify
internal structural hurdles that perpetuate the inequity cycle. The goal of this toolkit is to leverage evaluation to bolster diversity, equity, and inclusion in an organization’s day-to-day work and encourage data literacy by demonstrating how we all play a role in creating an equitable evaluation culture.

Logic Model Development Guide: Using Logic Models to Bring Together Planning, Evaluation, and Action

Created by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, this guide offers step-by-step process and templates for those aiming to build their logic model.

Evaluation Toolkit and Logic Model Builder

This toolkit assists child abuse and prevention programs to evaluate their effectiveness in improving outcomes for children and families. The Logic Model Builder is one component of the toolkit and was designed to provide guidance in developing a picture of how a program works, anticipated outcomes, indicators or success, and evaluation instruments. Developed by the FRIENDS National Resource Center in partnership with the Child Welfare Information Gateway.

Logic Model Form

Fill-in-form to help develop a logic model that identifies an overarching goal and what it will take to get there.